
Analytic solutions

We offer a full complement of data-driven strategy, analytics, and campaign measurement solutions. We support both prospecting and customer engagement programs. We help brands spend effectively by using predictive analytics to prioritize likely responders and converters. We also enable brands to increase engagement and spend from their most loyal customers, and to identify which customers are likely to leave before they do. We help maximize every dollar and lift response by 2040% or more.

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What Sets Our Analytic Solutions Apart

Multi-sourced Predictive Analytics

We harness data from multiple data sources to build effective predictive models. More data means a greater opportuity to find the right combination of predictive data points. We use experienced analysts, data mining, and machine learning algorithms to develop superior modeling solutions. Depending on available data, we can identify patterns based on past behavior and transactions, then supplement the target development universe for analysis with appended demographic, psychographic, and attitudinal data. We often build multiple models that work in concert for the best solution.


Flexible and Powerful Architecture

Our models can leverage data simultaneously from multiple sources to meet a client’s objectives. Our modeling architecture also enables ongoing updates to make use of any new consumer behavior for the most up-to-date predictive power.


Machine Learning

We have a track record of leveraging machine learning algorithms to solve direct marketing challenges. These algorithms can quickly evaluate thousands of candidate variables to identify behavior relationships normally not easily identified.


Custom Solutions

Our models are channel-specific for best performance. A variety of cutting-edge modeling techniques are considered and applied to optimize the best solutions. Model documentation is comprehensive and intuitive to satisfy any analyst or marketer.

Supported by Strategy

Our strategists provide ongoing consultation. They are your source for data and campaign analysis, analytics, and segmentation applications. Driving strategic decisions, implementing test and marketing planning, improving marketing results and optimizing predictive models are all strengths of ours. We are experts in audience selection and message prioritization driven through predictive modeling, custom segmentation, and via more simple approaches, such as geographic selections. Collaborating with our strategists will help you make more informed program decisions.